Resources for Navigating Your Process


Major Laws that Govern Family Law in Massachusetts

We find it helpful for clients to understand the basics behind the laws that govern these cases. In this instance, Massachusetts General Law Chapter 208, Section 28 is essential reading and focuses on children; care, custody and maintenance; child support obligations; provisions for education and health insurance; parents convicted of first degree murder.


Family law issues, such as divorce and issues revolving around parenting children, are not always dealt with in the courts in a way that feels satisfying.  Recognizing the disadvantages of traditional litigation, Judge Fidnick initiated a model of resolution for family issues based on a very successful Australian model.  The model involves utilizing a more informal, holistic approach wherein the parties, free mediators, family therapists, and a variety of other specialists along with each parties’  attorney, work together to come up with solutions to legal issues. The Judge is available to help guide or make decisions if needed, within a more informal conversation.

Learn more about Family Resolutions Specialty Court (also linked in the next column).

Books about raising healthy  children and divorce and separation 

  1. Mom’s House Dad’s House:  A complete Guide for Parents who are Separated, Divorced or Re-married

  2. How to Be a Good Divorced Dad:  Being the Best Parent You Can Be Before, during and After the Break Up:  Jeffrey M. Leving

  3. The Co-Parenting Tool Kit  by Isolina Ricci, PHD

  4. Co- Parenting with a Toxic Ex:  What To Do When Your Ex-spouse Tries to turn Your Kids Against you by Amy J.L. Baker and Paul R. Fine